The aim is to restore law and order, a key element of the internationally-backed "roadmap" peace plan. 巴勒斯坦部署警察的目的是为了恢复法律秩序,这是国际社会支持的“中东和平路线图”计划中的一个关键因素。
All indexes require storage and all indexes require execution time to order and store their key values. 所有索引都需要进行保存,并且,所有索引都需要制定执行时间并保存其键值。
That means, among other things, getting the order of the key columns right if it's a multi-index key. 这意味着,新索引的其中一个用途是实现键列的秩序(如果那是一个多索引键的话)。
The key fields and order of the key fields ( sometimes a subset of the key fields is allowed) 关键字段和关键字段的顺序(有时,允许关键字段的子集)
Each row contains the order key of the order it is part of. 每行包含它所属订单的订单键。
CouchDB has a lot of query options, including sorting in ascending/ descending order, key ranges, and limits. CouchDB拥有大量查询选项,包括按升序/降序排列、键范围和限制。
I work hard at my lessons in order to enter a key university. 我努力学习功课是为了进入一所重点大学。
Every time cryptographic authentication is to be used, a password must be given in order to decode the key. 每次要使用密码认证时,必须给出一个密码以解码密钥。
Though the only key to the door of happiness is not money, but if you have enough money then you can order a key. 虽然金钱不是开启幸福之门的唯一钥匙,但是,如果您有足够的金钱的话,则可以定做一把钥匙。
A new world mining order is a key point to China's iron ore bottleneck. 建立世界矿业新秩序是解决我国铁矿资源瓶颈问题的关键。
Arranging records in ascending or descending order of the key field. 以键栏数值上升或下降的次序安排。
The mouse control, symbolizing time to order left key of mouse through the blue and the red, can add the cent and life. 鼠标控制,通过蓝色和桔红色标志时候点鼠标左键,可以加分和生命。
Firstly, it puts into order the key concepts of symbolist poetics, correspondence, implication and pure poetry. 首先,梳理了象征主义诗学的核心概念,契合、暗示、纯诗。
To understand function, using method and management order is key to reduce computer breakdown caused by internal memory management clash. 所以,正确理解内存的作用、使用方法,把握内存管理顺序是减少由内存管理出现的冲突引起计算机故障的关键。
Putting the distribution system in good order is a key to construct harmonious socialist distribution system Economic research institute of Shanghai Financial college 理顺分配关系是构建和谐社会主义分配制度的关键
The result shows that talents and capital become the dominant factors in the evolution of the technological leapfrogging system which restrict the development of the system. Therefore, we take the spiral tactic in implementing this system according to the dominant order of the key factors. 结果表明,人才与资金交替成为技术跨越系统演化的主导因素,制约系统的发展,认为技术跨越的系统实施宜根据关键要素的主导次序采取旋进策略。
In order to storage key data securely and efficiently, the fault-tolerance technology is very necessary. 确保数据能够安全有效的存储,提供相应的容错机制是非常必要的。
Understanding the characteristics of public order is a key to maintain peace and public security. 维护治安秩序的关键是要了解治安秩序的特性。
Britain's pro-American policy and the two countries 'strategic unanimity over the international order are the key factors contributing to the continuing existence of the special relationship. 英国的亲美政策及两国在国际秩序问题上的战略一致,构成了特殊关系得以长期存在的重要基础。
The article analysis monopoly behavior and the different aspect of monopoly structure, Correct recognize the relation of monopoly and competition order is a key that improve product efficiency and establish fair and effective competition order. 本文从垄断的表现入手,分析垄断行为与垄断结构的不同,揭示垄断的双面性,以此为提高社会生产效率、建立公平有效的市场竞争秩序提供参考依据。
In the process of rectifying and regularizing mineral resources development order, the key to settling material problems of administration behavior irregularity is law enforcement and the key to settling way-out problems of administration behavior irregularity is legislation. 在整顿和规范矿产资源开发秩序过程中,解决具体行政行为违法问题的关键在于执法,解决抽象行政行为违法问题的关键在于立法。
Ac-curate preoperative evaluation, proper operative method selection and manipulation order are key points for success. 准确的术前评估,正确的手术方法选择和手术顺序是手术成败的关键。
Therefore, the theory of spontaneous order is the key in the spontaneous order depended on three conditions: freedom, the general order and competition. 因而自生自发秩序在哈耶克的社会理论中居于核心地位。自生自发的社会秩序的存在与发展依赖于三个条件,即自由、一般性规则、竞争。
In addition, special attention should be paid to the work done to assist impoverished farmers, and poorer farmers should be helped to overcome difficulties, in order to resolve key problems. 另外还应特别注意加强扶贫工作力度,解决特困人口困难,克服吕梁地区农民增收的难点。
As to the weight relationships of influence parameters, the weight is becoming lower in the order of key parameters, important parameters and uncertainty parameters at the same conditions. 就影响参数的作用权重而言,相同条件下关键影响参数、重要影响参数和不确定性影响参数的影响权重依次降低。
Stabilization, harmony and order were the key words of construct socialist harmonious society. 稳定、协调、有序是构建社会主义和谐社会的关键词。
How to effectively resolve the current government behavior, "misplaced""Offside" and "Absence" and other practical difficulties in the rural land transfer order, the key specifications. 如何有效地解决当前政府行为错位、越位、缺位等现实困境是农村土地流转有序、规范进行的关键。
The author make division on cadmium pollution threat degree of local cadmium anomaly area soil using intimate data method according to distribution condition of local Cd in order to direct key pollution area and make better monitor to local ecological environment change. 为了能够更好的监测当地生态环境变化,指示重点污染区。根据当地镉元素的分布状况,利用密切值法对当地镉异常区土壤受镉污染威胁程度进行划分。
The fulfillment of order is the key point to match the goal. 而订单的执行管理,则是达成目标的关键环节。
In order to highlight key points, and selected a typical electric energy meter as the statistical object, and an expanding collection of data amount range, to find the effects of electric energy meter reliability of critical components. 为了进行重点分析,根据之前的结果选定一款具有典型性的D型单相电能表作为具体的统计对象,通过整理和分析数据找到影响这款电能表可靠性的关键元器件。